Advertiser 35

Advertiser MC 35

Position 1

Position 2

Position 3

Position 4

We place your 1″ or 2″  C/R ad in a two inch box titled Stage #1.  This box is located in a numbered Market Center.  You will be joining the team of 3 other advertisers in two inch boxes containing their ads titled Stage #2,#3,#4.  Upon you deciding to advertise with us. You will receive your own unique numbered Personalized Roberts Co-Op Market Center Advertiser with your ad in the #1 Stage position.

Keep in mind that “each” Advertiser you enlist will be issued their own unique Personalized numbered Co-Op Market Center Advertiser with their ad in the Stage# 1 spot, And your ad will be moved to Stage # 2 spot, on each of their personalized Market Centers.  Your ad could easily find placement on thousands of Co-Op Market Centers Advertisers.

Your ad will flow through all 4 stages, collecting $50 bonuses as other advertisers join your Co-Op Market Center and other Co-Op Market Centers with your ad within them.

The circulation of your 1″ or 2″ ad simultaneously grows as other Advertisers advertise their personalized Market Centers with your ad in stages #2,#3,&#4.  This program could truly solve your finance and advertising needs!

STEP 1,  Send a one time $50.00 cash bonus directly to each advertiser in spots #1,2,3 & 4.   Along with a copy of their advertiser and a note saying,  I am joining your Market Center advertising team.

STEP 2,  Send the Monitor  your email address or your phone number so he can confirm that the advertisers were paid by you,  include your 1″ or  2″ C/R ad and a copy of the Market Center you wish to join.  Include a $100.00 payment to the monitor:  Dennis Roberts PO Box 340546 Columbus, Oh. 43234

When the monitor receives your order, he will check with the advertisers that they were paid by you.  Then the monitor will create and send you two master copies of your own personalized Roberts Co-Op Market Center Advertiser with your ad posted in stage #1.  All ads flows down through all 4 stages, with you receiving $50.00 cash bonuses & Free advertising along the way.

Step 3.  Your task will be to find and enlist 10 other advertisers to join your Co/Op Market Center advertising team.  This will not be difficult  because advertisers are everywhere!  Actually advertisers are contacting you every day!  It’s called junk mail.  When these advertisers send you a copy of their offers, “reverse mail them”.  By sending them a copy of your personalized Market Center or using the direct mail system to get a copy of your Market Center in the hands of Work From Home People, Network Marketers and Opportunity Seekers.  Or use your Market Center Advertiser as a full page ad in various Magazines & Publications.  Or use Print & Mail services.  There are so many ways to show people your Co-Op Market Center Advertiser.  Be creative & honest.  You just need to enlist  a few (10 or more)  Advertisers to your team to make this program work.         Adult Ads Are Prohibited!

Income Examples

Mail out your Co-Op Market Center  until at least 10 advertisers signed up. Each pays you $50 =  $500.  Those 10 Advertisers each refer 10 = 100. Each pays you $50 = $5,000.  Those 100 Advertisers each refer 10 =1000. Each pays you $50 = $50,000.  Those 1000 Advertisers each refer 10 = 10,000. Each pays  you $50 = $500,000

Disclaimer: The amount of money stated above that you could receive, is for illustrative purposes only.  No guarantees.  Some will earn less and some will earn more depending on each individual’s effort.