Advertiser 17

Advertiser MC 17

Position 1

Wanted Seeking Someone With Computer  To buy ads for me on FaceBook for less than $25.00

Send L.S.A.S.E  & This ad To:


Rodney Dorsey  220-131 Ave. Laurelton, NY 11413

Position 2

No Advertiser Here Yet! Save $20

Position 3

No Advertise Here Yet! Save $20

Position 4

No Advertiser Here Yet! Save $20


Step 1,  Send a one time $20 cash reward payment directly to each advertiser in position 1,2,3,4 accompanied with a copy of this Co-Op Advertiser and a note saying I am joining your Co-Op Advertising Team. (No Checks Please)

Step 2,  Send us your email address or phone number so we can confirm that the advertisers were paid. Include your 50 words or less ad. To: Dennis Roberts   605 N High St. Suite 249 Columbus, Ohio 43215.  Once we receive your order, we will send you your personalized starter kit.

Order Form.   _Yes, I want to join. Enclosed is the one time $10 advertising fee & 2 f/c stamps NAME:____________________________________________




PHONE# OR EMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________