Advertiser 5

Co-Op Classified  Advertiser # 5

Position 1

Not Activated Yet

Position 2
Position 3
Position 4

Here’s How it works.

Upon you deciding to advertise with us. You will receive your own Personalized URL link and two camera ready copies of your own Personalized Roberts Co-Op Classified Advertiser. This Advertiser will permanently display your classified ad in Stage box #1. And can be viewed permanently online! As you enlist other advertisers, your ad will flow through all 4 stages in the Advertisers connected with the people that you had enlisted. You will receive $20 Cash Rewards as other advertisers join other Advertiser that has your ad within them.

Step 1,  Send a one time $20.00 Cash Reward directly to each Advertiser in stage #1,2,3 & 4.   Along with a copy of their Advertiser and a note saying,  I am joining your Co-Op advertising team.

Step 2,  Send Roberts your email address or your phone number so we can confirm that the advertisers were paid by you, include your 60 words 0r less ad and a copy of the Co-Op Advertiser you wish to join. Include two F/C stamps & a $10.00 payment made out to: Dennis Roberts PO Box 340546 Columbus, Ohio 43234